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Looking at both The Fourth Tetrad and the Kubler-Ross model

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:22 pm
by Leo Rivers
Looking at both The Fourth Tetrad and the Kubler-Ross model

Just by way of an exercise I tried this.

The Fourth Tetrad of the SAṂYUKTA-AGAMA can be seen as a wholesome Dharma (non egoic) meditation that serves as specific medicine for the first 4 stages of the self-centered Kubler-Ross model

[ from wiki:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to people suffering from terminal illness. She later expanded this theoretical model to apply to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). ]


4. Contemplation of Objects, (Pali dhammā-sati; Skt. Dhamma-smṛti)

m. Contemplating impermanence
n. Contemplating fading of lust
o. Contemplating cessation
p. Contemplating relinquishment

Denial <— Contra —> Contemplating impermanence
(thus seeing inevitability)

Anger <— Contra —> Contemplating fading of lust
(clinging leads to anger at
loss, so not desiring
undercuts motive to anger)

Bargaining <— Contra —> Contemplating cessation
(rehearse letting go)

Depression <— Contra —> Contemplating relinquishment
(ceasing to define life by
what is not possible and
therefore frustrating)
