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List of texts quoted in [臨濟語錄/Record of Linji/Rinzai-roku]

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:37 pm
by Qianxi
Here's a list from the back of a Chinese Foguang Shan edition of Linji Yulu.

It's hard to work out whether Linji was consciously quoting a specific text, or just using a phrase that was common in Buddhist discussion at the time. For example, the Sarvastivada vinaya 'quotation' seems to refer to the fact that Linji's description of the Five Heinous Crimes 'seems presaged' by the description in the Sarvastivada vinaya (i got this by searching for 'vinaya' in google books version of Ruth Sasaki's translation + notes. I can't easily find the sarvastivadavinaya-related footnote in my Chinese copy because it's paper with no index!) Likewise, the Agama references I can find through Sasaki's searchable Google Books copy are more influences rather than direct quotations.

Anyway, don't take this as a rock solid list, just an approximate impression. The list could be improved by including details of English translations, but I don't have time just now. In addition, I suppose one could try to find the quotations and put them under each text title, nicely set out in different coloured font! Even though this list is from a Taiwanese book, I think most of the quotations are findable by searching with the Chinese name of the text. I think Sasaki's book and my Taiwanese Foguang Shan copy both rely on the same Japanese scholars for the footnotes.

The numbers beginning T or X are Taishō or Zokuzokyo (Xuzangjing) sutra numbers.

Apparently the most quoted sutra in the Linji Yulu is the Vimalakirti Sutra, the most quoted Zen text is [Essentials on the Transmission of Mind-dharma/傳心法要], by [Huangbo Xiyun/Ōbaku Kiun].
For me the most interesting thing about the list is all those Zen poems (listed at the start of the 'Zen texts' section), most of which i'd never heard of. It's also interesting that Linji seems to have read or been influenced by a satipattana/mindfulness meditation sutra 正法念處經 (Saddharma)smṛtyupasthānasūtra (although at first glance it seems all he borrowed from that sutra was some striking imagery - King of Geese drinking milk from a bowl, dog licking a dry bone and mistaking his own saliva for juice).

T0001 長阿含經 Dirghagama
T0026 中阿含經 Madhyamagama
T0120 央掘魔羅經 Angulimalika Sutra (Gunabhadra求那跋陀羅
T0125 增壹阿含經 Ekottaragama (Dharmanandi
T0159 大乘本生心地觀經 Ta-ch’eng-pen-sheng-hsin-ti-kuan-ching (Sutra on Contemplation of the Ultimate Source of the Heart Ground) (Prajna 般若
T0220 大般若波羅蜜多經 Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (100,000 lines) (Taisho Volumes 5, 6 and 7 – 600 fasicles)(Hsuan-tsang 玄奘
T0223 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 Pancavimsati-sahasrika-prajnaparamita Sutra (Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra in 25,000 lines) (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什
T0262 妙法蓮華經 Saddharmapundarika-sutra (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什 (The Lotus Sutra)
T0278 大方廣佛華嚴經 Avatamsaka Sutra (60 chuan, Buddhabhadra 佛陀跋陀羅
T0310 大寶積經 Maha Ratnakuta Sutra (Bodhiruci 菩提流志
T0357-T0359 如來莊嚴智慧光明入一切佛境界經 (Adornments of the Tathagata Wisdom Brilliant Light Entering All Buddha-realms Sutras)
T0360 佛說無量壽經 Sukhavativyuha (Sanghavarman 康僧鎧 (The Larger Sutra on Amitayus)
T0374 大般涅槃經 Mahaparinirvana Sutra (Dharmaksema 曇無讖 in 40 chuan)(Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什 in 3 chuan)
T0384 菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經 aka 菩薩處胎經 (Zhu Fonian 竺佛念
T0475 維摩詰所說經 Vimalakirti Sutra (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什 in 3 chuan)
T0670 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 Lankavatara Sutra(Gunabhadra 求那跋陀羅 in 4 chuan)
T0721 正法念處經 (Saddharma)smṛtyupasthānasūtra (Gautama Prajñāruci 瞿曇般若流支
T0945 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 Surangama (楞嚴) Sutra(Paramiti 般刺蜜帝

T1435 十誦律 The Ten Section Vinaya, A version of the Sarvastivada-vinaya) (Punyatara 弗若多羅, Kumarajiva and others in 61 chuan)

T1509 大智度論 Ta-chih-tu-lun (Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise attributed to Nagarjuna 龍樹) (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什
T1585 成唯識論 Ch’eng wei-shih lun Vijnaptimatratasiddhi-sastra (Demonstration of Consciousness Only - Dharmapala 護法)
T1609 大乘成業論 Karmasiddhiprakarana (A Discussion for the Demonstration of Action – Vasubandu 世親)
T1666 大乘起信論 Ta-sheng ch’i-hsin lun(Mahayanasraddhotpada-sastra) (Awakening of Faith - Ashvaghosha 馬鳴) (Paramartha 眞諦
T1739 新華嚴經論 (Contemporary Treatise on the Avatamsaka Sutra – Li T’ung-hsuan 李通玄)
T1858 肇論 Chao-lun (Treatises of Chao by Seng-chao 僧肇)
T1861 大乘法苑義林章 Dasheng Fayuan Yilin Zhang (Essays on the Forest of Meanings in the Mahāyāna Dharma Garden by Kuiji 窺基)

Zen texts:
杯度禪師一缽歌 Master Beidu's One Bowl Song (in X1298)
梁寶誌和尚大乘讚十首 In Praise of Mahayana by the monk Liang Baozhi (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)
信心銘 On Faith in Mind (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)
樂道歌 Song of Enjoying the Way, Nanyue Mingzan (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)
蘇溪和尚牧護歌 Song of the Herdsman (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)
丹霞和尚玩珠吟 Playing with the Pearl by the monk Danxia (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)
關南長老獲珠吟 Obtaining the Pearl by the venerable Guannan (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)
譚道頌 Poem on Discussing the Dao, by 智閑 Zhixian (in Chuandeng Lu T2076)

X1218 達磨大師血脈論 – Great Master Dharma’s Blood Vein Treatise
X1220 達磨大師破相論 – Great Master Dharma’s Breakthrough Treatise
T2007 六祖坛经 Platform Sutra, Huineng
T2012 傳心法要 Essentials on the Transmission of mind-dharma, by Huangbo Xiyun 黃蘗希運
T2012b 宛陵錄 Wanling Record, by Huangbo Xiyun 黃蘗希運
T2014 永嘉證道歌 Yung-chia-cheng-tao-ko (Yongjia's 永嘉 Song of Enlightenment)
T2015 禪源諸詮集都序 Ch’an-yuan chu-ch’uan-chi tu-hsu (Preface to the Collection of Chan Sources – Tsung-mi 宗密. This preface is all that remains of the 禪源諸詮集, which was an in-depth analysis of the Chinese Chan schools of Tsung-mi’s time.)
T2732 梁朝傅大士頌金剛經 - Verses on the Diamond Sutra, by Fu Dashi of the Liang dynasty
神會語錄 Records of Shenhui
懷讓語錄 Records of Huairang
馬祖語錄 Records of Mazu
百丈語錄 Records of Baizhang
南泉語錄 Records of Nanquan

Histories and Biographies:
寶林傳 Biographies of the Precious Forest Temple, compiled 801 by Huiju/Zhiju. (this text not in Taisho, but avaliable somewhere, I think ... &sid=zrqor )
T2122 法苑珠林 Precious Grove of the Dharma Garden by Daoshi, student of Xuanzang, 668

Re: List of texts quoted in [臨濟語錄/Record of Linji/Rinzai-rok

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:11 pm
by Qianxi
Neater version:

長阿含經 Dirghagama
中阿含經 Madhyamagama
央掘魔羅經 Angulimalika Sutra (Gunabhadra求那跋陀羅
增壹阿含經 Ekottaragama (Dharmanandi
大乘本生心地觀經 Ta-ch’eng-pen-sheng-hsin-ti-kuan-ching (Sutra on Contemplation of the Ultimate Source of the Heart Ground) (Prajna 般若
大般若波羅蜜多經 Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (100,000 lines) (Taisho Volumes 5, 6 and 7 – 600 fasicles)(Hsuan-tsang 玄奘
摩訶般若波羅蜜經 Pancavimsati-sahasrika-prajnaparamita Sutra (Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra in 25,000 lines) (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什
妙法蓮華經 Saddharmapundarika-sutra (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什 (The Lotus Sutra)
大方廣佛華嚴經 Avatamsaka Sutra (60 chuan, Buddhabhadra 佛陀跋陀羅
大寶積經 Maha Ratnakuta Sutra (Bodhiruci 菩提流志
如來莊嚴智慧光明入一切佛境界經 (Adornments of the Tathagata Wisdom Brilliant Light Entering All Buddha-realms Sutra)
佛說無量壽經 Sukhavativyuha (Sanghavarman 康僧鎧 (The Larger Sutra on Amitayus)
大般涅槃經 Mahaparinirvana Sutra (Dharmaksema 曇無讖 in 40 chuan)(Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什 in 3 chuan)
菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經 aka 菩薩處胎經 (Zhu Fonian 竺佛念
維摩詰所說經 Vimalakirti Sutra (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什 in 3 chuan)
楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 Lankavatara Sutra(Gunabhadra 求那跋陀羅 in 4 chuan)
正法念處經 (Saddharma)smṛtyupasthānasūtra (Gautama Prajñāruci 瞿曇般若流支
大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 Surangama (楞嚴) Sutra(Paramiti 般刺蜜帝

十誦律 The Ten Section Vinaya, A version of the Sarvastivada-vinaya) (Punyatara 弗若多羅, Kumarajiva and others in 61 chuan)

大智度論 Ta-chih-tu-lun (Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise attributed to Nagarjuna 龍樹) (Kumarajiva 鳩摩羅什
成唯識論 Ch’eng wei-shih lun Vijnaptimatratasiddhi-sastra (Demonstration of Consciousness Only - Dharmapala 護法)
大乘成業論 Karmasiddhiprakarana (A Discussion for the Demonstration of Action – Vasubandu 世親)
大乘起信論 Ta-sheng ch’i-hsin lun(Mahayanasraddhotpada-sastra) (Awakening of Faith - Ashvaghosha 馬鳴) (Paramartha 眞諦
新華嚴經論 (Contemporary Treatise on the Avatamsaka Sutra – Li T’ung-hsuan 李通玄)
肇論 Chao-lun (Treatises of Chao by Seng-chao 僧肇)
大乘法苑義林章 Dasheng Fayuan Yilin Zhang (Essays on the Forest of Meanings in the Mahāyāna Dharma Garden by Kuiji 窺基)

Zen texts:
一鉢歌 One Bowl Song
梁寶誌和尚大乘讚十首 In Praise of Mahayana by the monk Liang Baozhi
三祖僧璨大師信心銘 Faith in Mind Inscription by Third Patriarch Sengcan
樂道歌 Song of Enjoying the Way, Nanyue Mingzan
蘇溪和尚牧護歌 Song of the Herdsman by the monk Suxi
丹霞和尚玩珠吟 Playing with the Pearl by the monk Danxia
關南長老獲珠吟 Obtaining the Pearl by the Venerable Guannan
譚道頌 Poem on Discussing the Dao, by Zhixian

達磨大師血脈論 – Great Master Dharma’s Blood Vein Treatise
達磨大師破相論 – Great Master Dharma’s Breakthrough Treatise
六祖坛经 Platform Sutra, Huineng
傳心法要 Essentials on the Transmission of mind-dharma, by Huangbo Xiyun 黃蘗希運
宛陵錄 Wanling Record, by Huangbo Xiyun 黃蘗希運
永嘉證道歌 Yongjia's 永嘉 Song of Enlightenment
禪源諸詮集都序 Preface to the Collection of Chan Sources – Tsung-mi 宗密.
梁朝傅大士頌金剛經 - Verses on the Diamond Sutra, by Fu Dashi of the Liang dynasty
神會語錄 Records of Shenhui
懷讓語錄 Records of Huairang
馬祖語錄 Records of Mazu
百丈語錄 Records of Baizhang
南泉語錄 Records of Nanquan

Histories and Biographies:
寶林傳 Biographies of the Precious Forest Temple, compiled 801 by Huiju/Zhiju. (this text is avaliable somewhere, but I can't find it digitised ... &sid=zrqor )
法苑珠林 Precious Grove of the Dharma Garden by Daoshi, student of Xuanzang, 668