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Contemplating the Three Truths

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:57 pm
by DGA
rory wrote:Yes the different Tiantai patriarch disagreed, some saw Ekayana as exclusive, some didn't. The traditional Nichiren schools follow the exclusive path the Tendai ones the inclusive path.

I'd love to know how my Tendai brothers here contemplate the Middle; and how you interpret the Middle.
with gassho
Hi rory,

Sorry I missed this one in a different thread.

What we do in our little group is straightforward: we study the teachings (together and on our own), we talk about them together, we reflect on them together and on our own, and then meditate on them. I encourage people to also copy and recite the sutra in their own time, since we're not really equipped for this on our regular meeting space.

The Three Truths (the Middle Way) is the central teaching. I find ways to return the discussion to this point regardless of what particular text we are working on. That said, we study sutras and commentaries that readily lend themselves to this kind of reflection (the Awakening of Faith, the Surangama Sutra, and most importantly the Lotus Sutra).

I can't speak for how it's done elsewhere.

Re: Contemplating the Three Truths

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:12 pm
by Seishin
Practically the same how we study Jikan.


Re: Contemplating the Three Truths

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:17 pm
by DGA
I think there's truth to rory's claim that Tendai follows an inclusive path. It's one of the things I like about Tendai-shu. If someone's better served by a more exclusive path, then it's all the more fortunate that such paths exist. :namaste: