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Post by ronnewmexico »

Punching...in a dream.

Two friends...... buddy and Joe, talking quitely, as they passed the day in silence...

Well Buddy... Joe asked...you tried to force it down?
Yes, Joe..... I tried to stop it by force, which was quite possible, but upon release, it returned, same as before.

And then you tried to substitute this for that?
Yes Joe.... I mainly replaced these things of the mundane, with things of the spiritual.

Great temples compassion pure things and places?

Yes Joe, all those and more.

And that led....?

To some feeling of progression and success at improvement of things.
But not enough....?
Not enough to bring that thing of permenance we seek for release Joe.
Not that enough.

And you tried the pathways of might and sight?
Yes Joe them too.
And result then of that?
Great things Joe but as all things of greatness ebbing and flowing.
Not then enough Buddy?
Not enough JOe.

So what then Buddy?

It was all necesary Joe, we must understand that.
To go through all that Buddy?
Yes Joe, qute necessary and no shortcuts nor skipping was allowed...it had to be all lived over many lives or few, all had to be done.

Well then, after all that.... as I knew it was unreal and faulted in its inceptive factor
As I knew it had no reality beyond what we know is real...which is false.
This construct of things built upon a foundation of self and other
which is a unreal assumption and thusly false in its core
I then, knowing this, looked at it and found it to be as all is
false in core and thusly knowing this, really knowing this found this to be...

as all things are the same with no spiritual or unspiritual aspect to it or about it
the same no good no bad no nuance nor substance, nor forced nor absence of force, nor powerful nor powerless.

So....what then Buddym Joe asked...?
What then Buddy?....
it stopped Joe...on its own it stopped, knowing this to be unreal.
Parts first glibs and glabs bit and pieces till it was all like a hugh balloon, becoming then all, to be entered or withdrawn from by choice.

And what then Buddy?
EVerything, every single thing of feeling and vision, every thing that may be apprehended in any sort, of form, by feeling of pleasure or pain, regret or hope, sorrow or happiness, every sight that may be seen, or felt or envisioned hoped for or hoped against became....interesting.


Just that Joe...nothing more nor less....interesting. Very very interesting.
I stepped into another world of great great interest Joe...I abide there now. It is quite fantastic.

Joe and Buddy then stopped discussing this thing, walked away far away, into the forest where they do reside.
Punching no more Joe reports Buddy is.
But as reports come and go....whose to say of things of reports
and tales told on internet sites from long ago....

not me.

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"This order considers that progress can be achieved more rapidly during a single month of self-transformation through terrifying conditions in rough terrain and in "the abode of harmful forces" than through meditating for a period of three years in towns and monasteries"....Takpo Tashi Namgyal.
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Re: Punching

Post by ronnewmexico »

Joe reports he has found Buddy has become a animal, a planet, a rock, a tree, a universe, a plane of existence

His nalls and hair are the things of stone.
His brain cells the things of consciousness being formed in mundane fashion
His sky the color of it all
His ground the ground of it all
Eating dirt and shatting light he is.

And him,,,Buddy....no more nor less than that thing called animal
as all animals are him and no animal is he or she or it.

Reborn he is not nor can become not what he does not apprehend nor know to be true..

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no rabbit with horns be he, she or it.... nor be again.

Joe reports this thing.
"This order considers that progress can be achieved more rapidly during a single month of self-transformation through terrifying conditions in rough terrain and in "the abode of harmful forces" than through meditating for a period of three years in towns and monasteries"....Takpo Tashi Namgyal.
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