On honorifics: "o" "go" "dai" "sama"

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Re: On honorifics: "o" "go" "dai" "sama"

Post by kirtu »

0-, Go-, Dai-, sama ...
In Hawaii we (people not of Japanese origin) heard and occasionally used these honorifics. I primarily became aware of them because of their occasional use by my Judo sensei's and their occasional use at judo tournaments.

So my youngest sister and half-brother probably wouldn't know these honorifics (except possibly O-). My older sister would know two, maybe three because she studied Polynesian dance and was thus around older Japanese-American Aunties as well as Hawaiian and other Polynesian Aunties.
Sitting in seiza, for instance. Most Buddhists, certainly Buddhists outside Japan, don't sit seiza.
We sat seiza at my judo club. Some Zen Buddhists on the East Coast definitely sat seiza even during retreats 18 years ago for sure. I can no longer sit seiza because my feet changed somehow about ten years ago (one day they essentially became numb).

“Where do atomic bombs come from?”
Zen Master Seung Sahn said, “That’s simple. Atomic bombs come from the mind that likes this and doesn’t like that.”

"Even if you practice only for an hour a day with faith and inspiration, good qualities will steadily increase. Regular practice makes it easy to transform your mind. From seeing only relative truth, you will eventually reach a profound certainty in the meaning of absolute truth."
Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

"Only you can make your mind beautiful."
HH Chetsang Rinpoche
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